Facebook Remarketing

Lead Generation


Facebook Remarketing app helps you effectively retarget your existing leads and contacts on facebook. This app helps you to create or update your custom audiences to deliver highly personalised remarketing campaigns from facebook. Facebook Remarketing Marketplace app streamlines the process of retargeting your existing leads and contacts on Facebook, leveraging the power of personalised remarketing to drive higher conversions and engagement. By installing this app on your Kylas account , you can unlock the full potential of your customer data and achieve better marketing outcomes on the Facebook platform.

  1. Click on the Install app button
  2. Click on ‘Allow and Install’
  3. After installation, sign up on the app
  4. Verify your email and login
  5. Navigate to ‘Installed apps’ under Marketplace
  6. Click on ‘View Details of the Facebook Remarketing app
  7. Enter your kylas API key and click on save
  8. Go to the connected account tab and connect your Facebook account.
  9. Click on connect add account option and select the add accounts in which you would like to create or update the audiences
  10. Go to the lead/contact listing page and select one or more records at once
  11. Click on “Fb Remarketing” button on the listing page
  12. Select Add account and select the action whether you want to create a new audience or update the existing audience in the selected ad account
  13. Click on save
  14. later you can check the logs how many records you have sync in facebook ad account.


It requests the following permissions

  • Search List

  • User

  • Company

  • Contact

  • Lead

  • Pipeline

Kylas mnemonic Kylas mnemonic Kylas mnemonic