Characteristics Of A Good Crm

Integrations to Power Your Sales Engine

● Integration ensures data accuracy. ● Prevents data duplication. ● Provides a holistic view of customer    data. ● Enables seamless flow of data. ● Enhances collaboration between    teams. ● Supports marketing automation for     targeted campaigns.

● CRM stores and organizes contacts. ● Provides insights into leads. ● Enables personalized sales strategies. ● Offers a deeper understanding of     customer needs. ● Facilitates lead nurturing. ● Improves conversion rates.

Lead Management

● CRM aligns sales and marketing    functions. ● Flexibility in data collection and display. ● Customizable data access controls. ● Enhances efficiency as business scales. ● Streamlines processes. ● Supports consistent customer    experiences.

Workflow Automation

● Distinguishes between hot and cold    leads. ● Prioritizes leads to conversion. ● Segments cold leads for re-    engagement. ● Nurtured leads yield higher sales. ● Personalized messages at every stage. ● Increases sales efficiency and    effectiveness.

Lead Scoring

● Supports remote work. ● Mobile access for smartphones and    tablets. ● Updates CRM data from anywhere. ● Ensures data accuracy on the go. ● Enables real-time collaboration. ● Enhances flexibility for employees.

Remote Access

● Caters to diverse communication    preferences. ● Offers consistent customer experience. ● Tracks interactions across all channels. ● Centralizes customer data. ● Keeps records of customer interactions. ● Builds customer trust and loyalty.

Omnichannel Communication